Leading from within and leading outside the museum

Kolkata Centre for Creativity presents an engaging workshop titled Leading from Within and Leading Outside the Museum in collaboration with ICOM-INTERCOM and the Indian Museum on 1 September 2023. The workshop will be led by Dr Goranka Horjan, General Director of Dvor Trakosan, Croatia. 

Designed to be interactive and thought-provoking, the workshop aims to delve into the challenges and experiences faced by professionals in museums and cultural organisations and enhance their expertise and knowledge. 

The workshop strikes a balance between theoretical and practical aspects, both within and outside the museum and cultural realm. Participants can expect to gain fresh ideas, expertise, and foster exchanges with museum professionals from diverse organizations, thereby expanding their professional networks. Key topics covered during the workshop include:

Part 1 - Leadership within the organization:

Defining leadership and its responsibilities
Empowering staff and fostering mutual learning
Developing ourselves and our staff for growth
Formulating an Action Plan to be pursued by INTERCOM

Part 2 - Leadership outside the organization:

Identifying areas of influence and control
Effective museum advocacy strategies
Communication and messaging when advocating for the museum
Showcasing examples of supporting government objectives
Learning from one another and developing a collective voice

The ultimate goal of the workshop is to create an Action Plan that outlines how INTERCOM, as a collective, can support the development of leadership resources for museum directors, curators, and other decision-makers.

About Dr Goranka Horjan

Dr Goranka Horjan, General Director of the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb, Croatia, is a highly accomplished art historian with a Ph.D. in information and communication sciences. Dr Horjan has been actively involved in ICOM since 1997, serving in various leadership roles and promoting networking among professionals in the field. With her expertise in museum leadership, management, and governance, she has chaired prominent international committees and jury panels, including the Europa Nostra Heritage Award and the European Museum Forum Board of Trustees.

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